
Skilled Worker: Most valuable need of the hour

The dictionary meaning of the word “Skill” is ability which has been acquired from training or experience. Every job available in today’s real or virtual world (Internet) requires a specific amount of Skill sets. A person seeking a job should inherit all the skill sets with respect to the job post. A Company or an Organization has a desire to develop a high energy work force under their belt, and in order to achieve this they need their employees to be very skilled enough so that the predetermined goals of the company can be achieved on time without any hassle.

Types of Skill Sets
Skills sets can be broadly divided into three types. One can develop some skills in the early stage of his life; these skills can be considered as the personality traits. Depending upon the parenting, schooling education and the environment around the person helps him to build these skills. To name out some of the skills in this particular category would be honesty, self-discipline, reliability and dependability.

The second type of skills set is those which you have learned gradually and they rely more on the behavioral side of the human being. These skills are common to most of the jobs available. They rely more on the reaction of the candidate in a certain situation. You can consider excellent communication, leadership and initiative taking qualities in this type of skill set. Having sound knowledge of Computers and Internet technology is one of the basic skill set required for any job.

Third and the most important type of skills set is the specified domain skills. These skills are job specific and if you don’t have this skill set, there is no chance you can get the desired job in any firm. For e.g. A Corporate Lawyer must know all the Corporate Laws. A Web developer must know the basic concepts of web development.

Scenario in India
An average Graduate Student in India always finds it difficult to gain a job after the completion of their graduation. The reason behind this is pretty simple; an average graduate student is not willing to learn all the three types of skill sets. 80% of the companies in India are paying maximum possible funds to train their employees and create that high energy work force, just because they don’t find graduates so easily with all the required skill sets for that specific job. A person, who inherits, develops and inculcates these skill sets will certainly have a job in his hand.

It is very easy to blame the education system in India, for not providing proper education that was required to procure a job. But there is a need to introspect your own efforts that you made to learn new things which would have lead to earn a job for you. Indian students have been dependent on the spoon feeding kind of education and because of this, they lack in self motivation. This educational spoon feeding starts from parents and passes over to the teachers in schools and colleges, whereas every student should have the zeal to explore new things and should inculcate the analytical skill on its own.

"First always deserve and then desire"


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